

CompCams : 3135TB

Artikel-Nr.: COM3135TB
Eliminate Wear At The Front Of Your Ford 289-351w H.p. With Our Moly-Coated Roller Thrust Bearing. Our Unique Design Is .142" Thick And Aids In Setting The Proper Cam Thrust Clearance While Eliminating Gear To Block Wear.
  • Amazon ASIN: B000P5BARW
  • C.A.R.B. E.O. Number: N/A
  • C.A.R.B. Exempt for California Certified Vehicles Manufactured Before 1965?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
  • C.A.R.B. Exempt for Federally Certified Vehicles Manufactured Before 1967?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
  • C.A.R.B. Exempt for Foreign Vehicles Manufactured Before 1967?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
  • C.A.R.B. Exempt for On-Road Vehicles?: Yes
  • C.A.R.B. Exempt for Racing and Off-Road Only Vehicles?: Yes, but must be a race/competition only vehicle.
  • C.A.R.B. Exemption Reason: No impact on pollution output of vehicle.
  • Engine Family: Ford 289-351W (1965-1988)
  • Title: .142" Thick Thrust Plate and Bearings for Ford 289-351W H.P.
  • Make: Ford
  • Block type: Small Block
Sonderbestellung. Normale Lieferzeit Mehr als 2 Monate. EXPRESS DELIVERY 1 to 3 weeks.