CompCams : 57300
Artikel-Nr.: COM57300
Excellent Mid-Range To Top End Power For Serious Performers. Excellent High Rpm Power.- Amazon ASIN: B000P5DII6
- C.A.R.B. E.O. Number: N/A
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for California Certified Vehicles Manufactured Before 1965?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for Federally Certified Vehicles Manufactured Before 1967?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for Foreign Vehicles Manufactured Before 1967?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for On-Road Vehicles?: No
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for Racing and Off-Road Only Vehicles?: Yes, but must be a race/competition only vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exemption Reason: N/A
- Cam Type: Solid Swinging Follower
- Camshaft Series: Quicktyme
- Engine Family: Honda/Acura Twin Cam VTEC B16A, B17A, B18C, B18C5 (1992-2000)
- Grind Number: INTAKE
- Lifter Type: Solid Swinging Follower
- Title: Quiktyme 218/218 Solid Cams for Honda B16A/B17A/B18C/B18C5 V-TEC
- Make: Honda
- Block type: 4 cyl
- Engine Family: Honda/Acura Twin Cam VTEC B16A, B17A, B18C, B18C5 (1992-2000)
- Type: Mechanical
- Duration intake: 290 Duration intake
- Lift intake: 510 Lift intake
- Lift exhaust: 470 Lift exhaust